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Home Workings - Axapta
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In my work with data I have always regarded myself as a solution-architekt in environments as Dynamix AX, SAP and within other areas (f.eks. Cobol and Mapper).

I have always worked with constructions of Business-Designs and Analyses in collaboration with the customer with regard to processes and settlements, concepts and programming and their accomplishment inclusive tests and introduction to the user from the project management.

I think, that I have a special strength in connection with analyses and constructions of concepts. Therefore, I feel competent to elaborate documentation, which also is understandable for persons of little knowledge within this area, thus enabling them to follow and use the material. Analyses and concepts I describe not only with text, but also with diagrams on the process.



Processdiagram Accounting-Flow
Processdiagram EDI-processing
Flowdiagram – inventory including reporting

Under the constructions I go forward in a very structural and homogenous way (reservation of names etc). Furthermore, my constructions will be followed by an elaborate documentation, making it possible also for third party to follow. Finally, my constructions are made in a way making them very suitable for future extensions.

Very often I have worked with applications containing large quantities of data. Performant and effective solutions are in these cases absolutely necessary.

The testing is one of the biggest problems of complex applications, and therefore my constructions are made so, that it is possible to simulate them in a way, where you can see them in Excel in stead of in tables, which makes the tests more simple.

Consequently my works are fundamentally free of errors, when they are delivered to the customer, because I never give anything from me, before it is fully tested .



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