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Home References
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Through my many years of working I have got from satisfied customers and employers a lot of references, covering my work since 1984. They inform of my occupation within the areas Dynamix AX, SAP, together with application developments for banks, business concerns and the US Airforce/NATO.

The references form a good general view of how I work, over the quality of the work and over the social convention with my customers.

See also Portrait

The references comprise:

  • Buchzentrum / in German
  • T-Systems / in German
  • REGA / in German
  • WISS (Wirtschaftsinfomatikschule Schweiz) / Certificate with Diploma / in German
  • EDS / in German
  • Metro / in German / from Istanbul / in English
  • Jelmoli / in German
  • UBS / in German / in Englisch
  • VLG / in Englisch
  • US Airforce/NATO / in Englisch


Excerpts from references
(translated from German)

Buchzentrum AG, Hägendorf


...Mr. Lund-Jensen is characterized by large autonomy, a very structured approach and excellent analysis capabilities. The solutions developed by him ( in the Dynamics AX own X++ in conjunction with Oracle) are slim, well-documented and well-performed...


...especially, we would like to emphasize Mr. Lund-Jensen's extraordinary willingness. In the critical phases of the projects he was always available and rendered, even under high pressure and with very complex issues, an outstanding job...

T-Systems, Basel

...Mr. Lund-Jensen has an excellent in depth range of expertise and a particularly extensive experience in his area of responsibility. Thanks to a strong comprehension he planned and organized the tasks systematically and according to clear priorities...


...the effort and the results were perfectly matched and the targets often exceeded...


Rega, Zürich  

...the benefits of mr. Lund-Jensen were always greatly appreciated. His cooperation was marked by openness, reliability and great understanding of the different customer concerns...


...thanks to his tenacity and methodological approach all projects were successfullly completed and within the budget...

EDS, Zürich

...we have learnt to know Mr. Lund-Jensen as a very efficient, flexible and reliable employee, who always introduced constructive suggestions in his work. Thanks to his excellent skills, his analytical thinking and independent way of working, he completed his assigned tasks in both qualitative and quantitative terms to our complete satisfaction...

... as project manager, despite difficult circumstances, he accomplished the project on time and in very good quality...

Metro, Zug


...he has an extensive expertise and a rapid comprehension. Mr. Lund-Jensen has a systematic approach and a balanced character and proved even in times of high workload endurance and stamina...

UBS, Zürich

...we know Mr. Lund-Jensen as an initiative, inventive, friendly colleague, who completed the assigned tasks with great interest and always to our full satisfaction...


All supplements can be forwarded by E-Mail.



Patonix GmbH
Thorkild Lund-Jensen
Schwerzimattstrasse 42
8912 Obfelden

Tel.:++41 (0)79 639 98 10
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